Horoscopes Reincarnation & Christianity

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Horoscopes Reincarnation & Christianity – two books in one!

Horoscopes and the Christian: Does astrology accurately predict the future? is it compatible with Christianity? Should we read newspaper horoscopes just for fun? Dr. Morey demonstrates from God’s written word why professing Christians can’t have their cake and eat it too!

Reincarnation and Christianity: Surveys show that millions of those who call themselves “Christians” believe in the recycling of the soul. Should the church accept reincarnation? Is reincarnation really opposed to the Bible? Read this book and you will have the answers the next time the subject comes up!

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Horoscopes Reincarnation & Christianity

Reincarnation Horoscopes & Christianity;

Horoscopes and the Christian: Firstly, does astrology accurately predict the future? Secondly, is it compatible with Christianity? Should we read newspaper horoscopes just for fun? Dr. Morey demonstrates from God’s written word why professing Christians can’t have their cake and eat it too!  Astrology still a big business even after writing this book.  In fact it got bigger!  At the least half of Americans believe in astrology.  Jewelry and T-shirts a-test to the popularity of astrology.  For instance, this business grosses hundreds of millions dollars a year. What should our attitude to astrology be?  If one asks what “our sign” is, how should we answer them? Our book answers several questions about the use and believing in astrology. Answers every believing Christian needs to know.

Reincarnation and Christianity: For example, surveys show that millions of those who call themselves “Christians” believe in the recycling of the soul. Should the church accept reincarnation? Is reincarnation really opposed to the Bible?  When Dr. Bob wrote this book no one would publish it. In the last few years, popular magazines provided surveys indicating what percentage of people believe in reincarnation.  Some reports show almost 60 percent believe in reincarnation.  Yet most of these people consider them selves “Christian”!  It seems the church failed miserably to indoctrinate its membership in the biblical view of life after death. This fact allows cults and occult groups to flood the spiritual vacuum.

Does the Christian church have and answer to reincarnation?  Should the Christian church lay aside the scriptural foundations and accept the theory?  This book dedicated to answering these questions.  The author hopes all who read this message rediscover their faith. In conclusion reading this book you will have the answers the next time the subject comes up!

Astrology, Reincarnation