Table Talk 4 (4 CD)
Table Talk 4 (4 CD) Dr Morey continues to answer theological questions about faith. These lead to more knowledge about Christ. This series starts with a discussion of historical Theology. Liberal Theologians are only biblical theologians. They only deal with what is found in the bible. Liberal theology leads into a fog. The fog leads to confusion. The discussion turns to Christianity and the facts of exegetical theology.
Dr. Morey talks about the form and contents of the Bible in contrast to the Qu’ran. The Bible contains 66 books written by 40 different authors. The Qu’ran came from “heaven” fully written by Allah, on a stone tablet. That is a large difference. The bible needs to be considered in exegetical terms. Exegetical means taking into consideration grammar, syntax, setting, and time of writing. Exegetical theology not found in seminaries because it takes more thought. However, without exegetical training ministers show a weakness in preaching. As a result of this weakness their messages miss the mark of proper teaching.
Dr. Morey turns to a discussion of the Book of Job. The first book written becomes foundational, without this book there would be no world view. Consequently Job answers the questions about God, evil, and you. Such questions as as “where does evil come from?” If you determine that evil has a meaning and purpose, you are a Calvinist!
Table Talk 4
A question asks about the orthodoxy of Calvinism and Aremeningism. Likewise they both maybe considered orthodox. However, it becomes a condition of explanation not doctrine.