
This question should concern us all for God has called us to do the work of apologetics (I Pet. 3:15; Jude 3)

I. We do three things in apologetics:

  1. We DEFINE a doctrine.
  2. We DOCUMENT it from Scripture and Church History.
  3. We DEFEND it by refuting all opposing views and answering those who attack it.

II. There are two ways of doing apologetics:      

  1. Theoretical Apologetics: Developing a Christian world and life view of everything
    in life.
Metaphysics science mathematics
Epistemology psychology human sexuality
Ethics biology history
Aesthetics zoology etc.


b. Applied Apologetics: Refuting modern systems of unbelief.

1. The things which are under attack today:

theism Christianity morals
mono-theism the historical Jesus truth
personal/infinite God absolute values miracles
Creation ex nihilo hetero-sexuality significance
uniqueness of man marriage the supernatural
the Bible meaning etc.


2. Groups which are on the attack:

Atheists Cultural relativist Satanism
Agnostics Existentialists Ethical relativists
Free-thinkers Politically correct Liberals
Skeptics Pagan religions Evolutionists
Know-it-alls Cults Magic users
Secular humanists Occult Witchcraft
Marxists New age Feminists
Socialists Neo-paganism Etc.

III. The way that Jesus taught his disciples to do apologetics:

  1. PRECEPT: He taught them what to say and how to do it.
  2. EXAMPLE: Then He showed them how to do it by debating the Scribes,
    Pharisees, etc.

IV. What Christians must do to prepare themselves and their children apologetically.  Every church and school should do the following:        

A-ppropriate the funds needed

P-rovide the resources required (books/tapes)

O-bligate teachers to use those materials

L-earn the Christian world and life view

O-bserve those who have already done this

G-rab people’s attention (skits/mock debates)

E-ducate them about apologetics

T-rain them to debate the heathen (precept and example)

I-dentify the movements on the attack today

Critique modern apostate thinkers and systems

S-ystematically refute them one by one

V. The Big Picture:

  1. Your apologetics should flow out of the Christian world and life view.  You are merely applying the biblical view of life to all of life when you do apologetics.
  2.  What are the essential concepts of the Christian world and view?
  1. Creation
  2. Fall
  3. Redemption

c. These three concepts form the glasses through which all of life must be interpreted.  If
you examine all my books, you will discover that all of them are consciously written
from the standpoint of Creation, Fall, and Redemption.

VI. Apologetics Sunday: 

Just as many churches across this land observe “Missions Sunday,” why not begin to observe “Apologetics Sunday?”  One Sunday out of the year should be set aside and placed on the church’s calendar as Apologetics Sunday.”  On that day the pastor or a quest speaker will preach on the subject of defending the faith.  Special “apologetic” projects could be presented and the people made aware of the great need today for Christians to “stand up for Jesus.”  Ask your pastor if you can observe “Apologetics Sunday” in your church.


Apologetics is every Christian’s obligation as well as privilege (Jude 3).  Since we are living in a post-Christian age, we must be steadfast in defending the Faith once and for all delivered to the saints.