Trinity: Evidence and Issues (Hard Cover)

$40.00 price_including_tax

This book is the most detailed exegetical work on the Trinity ever written by an evangelical scholar.  It begins with a discussion on epistemology and hermeneutics and then proceeds to deal with all the Trinitarian passages found in the Old and New Testaments, the Intertestamental Jewish literature, and early Church writings. Includes refutations of anti-Trinitarian arguments. Recommended by Gleason Archer and John Ankerberg. 587 pages

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Trinity: Evidence and Issues (Hard Cover)

Trinity: Evidence and Issues (Hard Cover)  This book, the most detailed work on the Trinity written by an evangelical scholar.  It starts with a discussion on the study of knowledge and religious interpretation.  Then proceeds to deal with all the passages about the Trinity found in both Testaments.  Next the author deals with the Jewish literature that was written between the testaments.  Dr. Morey then covers the early Church writings. Where he refutes many anti-Trinity arguments.

The focus on the biblical basis of the Trinity continues as the content of this work.  We begin with the a priori assumption that God can be known, discussed, and debated.  Once we arrive at the position we know God abides as the Trinity.  Then we decide on the origin of our knowledge.  To find the objective truth about God we undertake the study of Scripture.  Or we might look outside of our person.  If we work on this assumption we might look down, across or up.  Looking down demands that we look at what intrinsically occurs less than us.  Looking across we assume we might find what we desire in someone or something else.  So we look up to what comes above us, God.

Recommended by Gleason Archer and John Ankerberg. 587 pages


Additional information

Weight 1.625 lbs
Dimensions 9.250 × 6.375 × 1.437 in