Journal Biblical Apologetics Volume 6

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This volume includes the following articles:
Are the Arabs the Descendants of Ishmael? (Dr. Robert Morey); By Their Moles Ye Shall Know Them (Dr. Robert Morey); Muhammad: The Racist Prophet (Dr. Robert Morey); Muhammad’s False Prophecies (Sam Shamoun); Muhammad’s Suicide Attempts (Silas); Muhammad and Idolatry (Sam Shamoun); Muhammad’s Alleged Night Journey to the Jerusalem Temple (Sam Shamoun); The Paracletos of John: Muhammad or the Holy Spirit (Sam Shamoun); The Claim That Muhammad Is Prophesied in Deuteronomy 33:2 (Andy Bannister); The Death of Muhammad (Silas); Common Logical Fallacies Made by Muslims (Dr. Robert Morey)

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Journal Biblical Apologetics Volume 6

Journal Biblical Apologetics Volume 6, the subtitle of this volume, Islam, part 2: Muhammad.

This volume includes the following articles:

Are the Arabs the Descendants of Ishmael? (Dr. Robert Morey).  The answer allowed by historical documents replies with a resounding NO!   By Their Moles Ye Shall Know Them (Dr. Robert Morey). This article as a result outlines the reason behind Muhammad’s claim to be a prophet.  He displayed a large “hairy” mole on his back.  Muhammad: The Racist Prophet (Dr. Robert Morey).  Early writings prove early Arabians owned slaves.  This aspect of Arabian life continued with Muhammad.  Muhammad displayed white skin as told in the Qur’an and he owned black slaves.

Muhammad’s False Prophecies (Sam Shamoun).  False prophets declare false prophecies.  Muhammad put forth many false prophecies that people documented.  False prophet equals false god!  Therefore false religion.

Details of Muhammad’s life

Muhammad’s Suicide Attempts (Silas). The beginning of “divine inspiration” for Muhammad came in dreams.  An illiterate prophet was given the Qur’an by dreaming!  They had no paper so various people wrote the Qur’an on whatever became available.  That included bone, tree bark, leaves, and such.  Many of these pieces became lost in his travels.  Muhammad and Idolatry (Sam Shamoun).  One thing about Islam most of its rites and practices came from pagan Arabian religions.  For instance rites such as throwing stones at the devil. Secondly, the rite of running around the Ka’aba seven times. To clarify, these rites came from Religions that preceded Islam.

Muhammad’s Alleged Night Journey to the Jerusalem Temple (Sam Shamoun).  The Qur’an records an mythical trip by Muhammad to the temple in Jerusalem.  For example, this trip supposedly took place when Muhammad fell into a trance.  The Paracletos of John: Muhammad or the Holy Spirit (Sam Shamoun).  The Paracletos, another name for counselor.  Islam tries to discredit the bible by attempting to prove the bible wrong.  Islam wants Muhammad to be the Paracletos, not Jesus.  In that way they hope to prove the bible wrong.  Thereby making Islam true. However, scripture proves them wrong.

Claims by Muslims

The Claim That Muhammad Is Prophesied in Deuteronomy 33:2 (Andy Bannister).  A well known fact shows that Muslims wish to prove Muhammad the only prophet of God.  That would make Islam a true religion.  In conclusion, we know that the truth is different.  The Death of Muhammad (Silas).  Muhammad died in the year 632 A.D.  poison killed him.  Poison administered by a Jewish woman who prepared a meal for Muhammad.  Common Logical Fallacies Made by Muslims (Dr. Robert Morey).  Most objections to scripture by Muslims come from mistakes Muslims make.  Therefore, these mistakes come from a lack of understanding of the written language of the time.

Religion in pre-Islamic Arabia

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs
Dimensions 11.0 × 9.5 × 0.25 in