How to Answer a Mormon/JW

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How to Answer a Mormon/How to Answer a Jehovah’s Witness – two books in one!

How to Answer a Mormon: The most efficient way to witness to Mormons is to prove that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. This book documents (with photostats) the major false prophecies of Joseph Smith and gives effective witnessing instructions.

How to Answer a Jehovah’s Witness: The classic work on the Watchtower was the first to document its false prophecies with full-page reproductions. This book has caused a revolution in cult evangelism. Many JW’s have come to Christ through this book. Included: An inductive Bible study on the Deity of Christ; a manual on how to use the book’s materials; the Watchtower and prophecy.

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How to Answer a Mormon/JW

How to Answer a Mormon/JW; two books in one!

How to Answer a Mormon“: The most efficient way to witness to Mormons is to prove that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. This book documents (with photostats) the major false prophecies of Joseph Smith and gives effective witnessing instructions.  Beginning with only six members in 1830.  Mormonism increased membership to approximately five million.  For instance they gain about one thousand converts per year.  Mormonism divides into two denominations.  One named The Latter Day Saints.  The second called The Missouri Reorganized Church.  This division caused by differences and arguments over doctrine concerning polytheism and polygamy.  In other words, the Mormon missionary strategy to saturate an area, cause Mormons to confront Christians to convert.

How to Answer a Mormon/JW

“How to Answer a Jehovah’s Witness”: One of the fastest growing cults.  They started with 44,080 Ministers in 1928.  However, the JW’s peaked at 1,221,504 in 1968.  This resulted from each area mobilizing to evangelize their local area.  An answer to where JW’s get their growth flows from their aggressive evangelizing.  This evangelizing technique removes members from Christian churches to JW’s wards.  In short, JW’s become a parasitic organization.  It becomes incumbent on the Christian churches to beware of these people.  The classic work on the Watchtower was the first to document its false prophecies with full-page reproductions.  Our book has caused a revolution in cult evangelism.

Many JW’s have come to Christ through this book.  Because it includes an inductive Bible study on the Deity of Christ.  The JW’s material does not recognize Christ’s Deity.  It contains a manual on how to use the book’s materials.  There is included instructions to use their materials the Watchtower and prophecy.

Concluding thoughts

In conclusion, this two story book provides material to “debunk” and “deflect” the attacks of these two “religions”.  Consequently beware and be ready for when they knock on your door.  They have and they will because that is how they work.  You get this book from use it for reference.  Don’t wait be ready for their next visit.


Jehovah’s Witness