Biblical Evangelism: (10 CDs)

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Today, as never before, we are faced with a crisis in the field of personal evangelism. Why? Most Christians do not share their faith with their relatives, friends, co-workers or neighbors. Some of the reasons that most professing Christians do not witness are as follows:

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Biblical Evangelism: (10 CDs)

Biblical Evangelism: (10 CDs) Today, as never before, a crisis exists in the field of personal evangelism. Why? Most Christians fear sharing their faith with their relatives, friends, co-workers or neighbors. Some of the reasons that most professing Christians do not witness follow:

1. Most “Christians” today became the product of humanistic systems of mass evangelism developed by Natural Theology and therefore, based on carnal ideas drawn from human philosophy and psychology.

2. They are not developed from a sound exegesis of the Bible but from the sales techniques and marketing plans of the world. The structure to “make the sale” and “close the deal” by getting people to walk down an aisle or pray a prayer apply today. These techniques produced millions of “converts.” But what happens in a year?

3. While modern mass evangelism produced mega churches with thousands of attendees, their lives and beliefs reveal that they are unregenerate. Divorce, immorality, and heretical beliefs are now the norm because the mass of “Christians” are no more saved than dogs. The same percentage of immorality and divorce is now found in the evangelical church today as in the world. This did not use to be the case. Humanistic methods of evangelism and apologetics have brought the pagans into the church.

Further development of Biblical Evangelism (10 CDs)

Join Dr. Morey as he “wheels away the rubbish” and brings the light of Scripture to this very important biblical mandate given to the Church.  When true regenerate Christians talk about their faith, people listen and may believe.  Over turn the structure to “make the sale” by true witnessing for Christ.  People know when they hear the truth.

Death and the Afterlife


Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs
Dimensions 5.687 × 4.9375 × 0.75 in