Pastor Rick Warren says Allah and God are the same Deity. The Rev. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest and one of America’s most influential Christian leaders, claims that Christians and Muslims worship the same Deity.  Because of his thoughts, Warren has embarked on an effort to heal divisions between evangelical Christians and Muslims by partnering with Southern California mosques and proposing a set of theological principles that includes acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same diety.

Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California is the eighth largest church in the United States.  It has an average attendance of 20,000 or more. Rick Warren is the founder and senior pastor of this mega church. Warren wrote the popular book and church growth program,  The Purpose Driven Church.

He has built his temple of thousands on a platform of liberal theology.  His preaching is more emotionally based than spiritually based which is how, according to Warren, you build a big church.  His philosophy is that it is more important to build a big church than to teach sound biblical theology.

In his typical liberal fashion, Pastor Warren has joined a movement known as King’s Way.  The movement’s goal is to bring Christians and Muslims together without either group trying to proselytize or convert the other.

Warren’s efforts include creating principles on which Evangelical Christians and Muslims can agree, with the goal of bringing churches and mosques together.  One of those principles is that we both worship the same God. In other words, God and Allah are one in the same deity.