
The term “cult” does not imply that the person/persons in a “cult” are evil.  I would define a “cult” as any leader claiming equal or greater authority than the Bible, claims to be a Christian and denies the historic doctrines of Biblical Christianity. We endorse freedom of religion in both thought and expression. While supporting the rights of divergent views, it is also exercising its freedoms (press, speech and religion). Dr. Robert Morey’s Book entitled “How to Witness to a Mormon” and “How to Witness to a Jehovah’s Witnesses” will be republished at Articles the topics below are located on Faith Defenders website under the “Cult & Occult” tab or (Cult Tab).

Introduction to Cults — Part 1 (Is it important to care about the Cults?)

Introduction to Cults — Part 2 (How to Witness to Mormons)

Introduction to Cults — Part 3 (How to Witness to a JW)

Charles Taze Russell (02/16/1852 — 10/31/1916)

Jehovah’s Witnesses deny the Ontological Trinity and the eternal pre-existent Christ. Also, Charles Taze Russell and the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization has made numerous false prophecies that is documented. The Jehovah’s Witnesses originally taught that the “last days” began in 1799, Jesus returned invisibly in 1874 and the end of the world would take place in 1914. When 1914 came and went, they reprinted their books and put 1916. The new President Rutherford (Russell passed away in 1916) changed the date to 1925 because his false prophecy of 1918. Russell’s prophecy also failed on 1925. The 1874 date was dropped and 1914 was substituted for the invisible return of Christ. In 1975, the Jehovah’s Witnesses falsely predicted the end of the world. 27% of the membership left the Watchtower after 1975. Yes, an article in the Watchtower magazine dated April 1, 1972.


Right Image: Salt Lake Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah 

Joseph Smith (12/23/1805 — 06/27/1844)

The main problem with Mormonism are the false prophecies made by Joseph Smith , men becoming gods (Adam was originally a man and became a god and is the one god over planet earth–yes, they believe in billions of finite gods and goddesses; Mormon Catechism on page 13 states there are more gods than one God), open view of God, etc. They deny the Ontological Trinity and the eternal pre-existent Christ. Joseph Smith prophesied that Christ would return and the world would end around 1891 or 1892 (see History of the Church, Vol. 2. pg. 182). Joseph Smith prophesied that people live on the moon who are 6 feet in height, live to be 1,000 years old and dress like Quakers. There are over 100 different denominations (who claim to be the “true Mormon church”), but the one you will probably encounter is in Salt Lake City, Utah (the people are very nice, honorable and stand up for family values and the Constitution–they have just been misled like many so-called Christian Churches in this country that will not even take stand for righteousness).

Dr. Morey’s 2014 Mormonism lecture at the SBC Pastors’ Conference in Crossville, TN.

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T1SA

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T1SB

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T2SA

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T2SB

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T3SA

Debate with Dr. Richard Hopkins (Mormon Apologist) and Dr. Robert A. Morey (Protestant Apologist) — T3SA

Left: Ellen G. White (11/26/1827 — 07/16/1915)

The main problem with 7th Day Adventism with Protestants is Ellen G. White claiming she was a Prophetess. The African-Americans should be aware that Ellen G. White taught amalgamation–that is, that the colored races were the result of men having intercourse with animals and that black people were the result of screwing with guerillas; they were half-human and half-animal. (For the 9 part series on  the Sabbath, click “Is the Sabbath for Today?”)

A good article from the SCP Journal (Spiritual Counterfeits Project), Volume 45:1 2022 entitled Seventh-Day Adventists: What Do They Really Believe? by Phil Johnson. Summary of topics covered: they deny eternal punishment, teach the doctrine of soul-sleep, believe in “investigative judgment” is still going on, twisted teaching on Christ’s humanity (7th Day teach Christ took on fallen humanity’s sin nature (His nature was fallen as yours and mine. Ellen G. White stated: “He took upon His sinless nature our sinful natrue….[He] bore the infirmities and degeneracy of the race. He took our nature and its deteriorating condition.” And so on. The Bible says the opposite of Ellen (see 2 Cor. 5:21)–Christ was the second Adam and His nature was not fallen (He had no human father).

Debate on Truth Talk Live (11/28/04) between Dr. Bob Morey and a 7th Day Adventist (Robert)