I.    The Biblical Mandate

All Christians are commanded by God to defend the Christian Faith (Jude 3). Thus, we should not be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor. 2:11). Jesus foretold the coming of false Christs and false prophets (Matt. 24:4–5, 11, 23–27). He said that we will be able to know them (Matt. 7:15–23).

II.  The Amazing Growth of the Cults

One hundred years ago there were only five or six cults in the United States with only a few thousand followers. Today there are over five thousand cults with more than 50 million people involved. New cults are being incorporated every day.

Why did the major cults arise in the 19th century?

A.  There was a crisis in religious authority.
B.  Unparalleled natural catastrophes occurred.
C.  An “End of the World” mania gripped the population.
D.  Prophets and prophetesses appeared by the dozens.
E.  Occult beliefs and practices became popular.


I.    Definition of the word “Cult”

Part One


A religious organization founded upon the authority and teaching of one or more individuals whose authority is viewed as being equal to or greater than the authority of Scripture and whose teaching contradicts the theology of biblical and historic Christianity.

II.  Scope of the word “Cult”
1.   A cult is an organization whose authority structure rests upon some human authority.
This authority figure may be viewed as a prophet, messiah or god. He or she may even be called “pastor” or “elder.” The crucial point is that in a cult, the authority structure does not allow for any disagreement or individuality. The members must conform every area of life to the wishes of those over them. The power of the authorities is absolute.
2.   In a cult, the authorities contradict biblical truth by teaching things that are heretical in nature. Most cults deny essential biblical teachings such as the Trinity, the Deity and bodily resurrection of Christ, etc.

III. How to Identify a Cult
There are thus two key elements in all cultic groups:
1.   Misplaced Authority



In a cult, the authority of the leadership is viewed as being equal to or greater than the
Bible. The leadership speaks as God’s “prophet” and has absolute authority over every aspect of life.


True Authority False Authority





The Bible


The Leader


The Clergy/Laity


The Membership


2.   Doctrinal Errors
In a cult, while they may claim to be “Christian” and even the true church, they actually deny historic Christianity.

Key questions to ask religious groups/churches:
Is the Bible the final authority in faith and practice? Is God a personal “I AM” or an impersonal “it”?
Is there only one God?
Is man a god or a god-in-the-making?
Is God infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, immutable, perfect, incorporate, invisible, good, etc.?
Is God a Trinity?
Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh? Was He the Christ or only a Christ? Was He born of a virgin?
Did He die on the cross for our sins? Did He rise bodily from the grave?
Did He ascend to the right hand of the Father?
Is He coming back personally, bodily and visibly? Is salvation by grace or by works?
Is Jesus Christ the only way of salvation? Does man have an immortal soul?
Does this soul survive the death of the body? Do we go to Heaven or Hell at death?
Will all men be raised bodily at the Judgment Day? Does eternal conscious punishment await the wicked?

I.    How to Witness to Cultists

Part Two


A.  Realize that the initial problem is the authority issue. Until you can refute this authority, the cultist will be closed-minded.



B.  The use of the false prophecies made by the cultic leader or leaders has been used by God to bring many people out of the world. Once this prophecy fails, they must be viewed as false prophets according to Deut. 18:21–22.

II.  Application of Method

A.  Jehovah’s Witnesses: How to Answer a Jehovah’s Witness (Bethany House
B.  Mormons: How to Answer a Mormon (Bethany House Publishers)
C.  Reincarnation: Reincarnation and Christianity (XulonPress.com)
D.  Astrology: Horoscopes and the Christian (XulonPress.com)
E.  See chapters on Seventh-day Adventists and Moonies.


These steps can be quickly grasped, easily retained and readily used by the average person because they do not require a great deal of memorization or knowledge. This method not only successfully cult-proofs a church but it has also been used by God to bring thousands of cultists to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.