Dr. Robert A. Morey(0727) The Christian and Christmas (12/13/1987: see audio below) — Under the New Covenant, Christians are allowed to honor any day to the Lord.   Under the Mosaic Covenant, only the Israelites were commanded to keep the festivals (Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, etc.) and Sabbath (Saturday) that pointed towards the “Anointed One.”  The “Mosaic Covenant” was fulfilled and is obsolete.

Left: Christmas Tree At the Anichkov Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia by Alexei Chernayshev (Scenes from the family life of Emperor Nicholas I, 1848 (Public Domain) )

See Dr. Robert A. Morey’s book entitled “How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other”.   Covenants are not the same as Testaments!

There were 4 Covenants given by Yahweh: 1. The Noahic Covenant, 2. The Abrahamic Covenant (the land or so-called Palestinian Covenant is part of the Abrahamic Covenant, not a separate Covenant), 3. The Mosaic Covenant (the so-called Davidic Covenant and Solomon are personal applications of the Mosaic Covenant, therefore, they are not separate Covenants), 4. The New Covenant (everlasting). See CBUS tab on this website for the audio lecture series by Dr. Morey on “How the Old & New Testaments Relate to Each Other.” 

(0382) Christmas Message (released in 1982)

(0401) Easter Message (released in 1983)

(0456) Christmas Message (released in 1983)

(0457) New Year’s Eve Message (released in 1984)

(0562) The Gift of Christmas — Why we give gifts (12/15/1985)

(0727) The Christian and Christmas (12/13/1987) — Under the New Covenant, Christians are allowed to honor any day to the Lord.   Under the Mosaic Covenant, only the Israelites were commanded to keep the annual festivals (Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, etc.) and Sabbath (Saturday) that pointed towards the “Anointed One.”  The “Mosaic Covenant” was fulfilled and obsolete.

(0728) Christmas (released in 1987)