Dr. Robert A. Morey is the author of over 66 books, some of which have been translated into French, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish, and Finnish.


Dr. Robert A. Morey is the author of over 60 books, some of which have been translated into French, German, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish, and Finnish. He is listed in The International Authors and Writers Who’s Who and Contemporary Authors. Many of Dr. Morey’s books are also available in electronic library format from Logos Bible Software.

He earned a B.A. from Covenant College, an MDiv. and DMin. from Westminster Seminary, a PhD. from Louisiana Baptist University and an honorary D.D. from Faith Theological Seminary. 

1969 B.A. (Philosophy) Covenant College
1972 M.Div. (Theology) Westminster Theological Seminary
1989 D.Min. (Apologetics) Westminster Theological Seminary
1996 D.D. (Islamic Studies) Faith Theological Seminary
2004 Ph.D. (Islamic Studies) Louisiana Baptist University
2005 Culinary Arts (chef) Thompson Institute
2017 Doctoral (D Litt et Phil) University of America

It should be noted that Dr. Robert A. Morey as a young protégé with an IQ of 185 was selected by Yale University in the tenth grade of high school to become part of the School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG). Dr. Bob is also a Koine Greek, Classical Greek and Hebrew scholar and has debated some of the top scholars in the world who are against Christianity–see some of his free video debates on this website.


He was elected chairman of the membership committee of the Evangelical Theological Society for several years. Dr. Morey is recognized internationally as a professional apologist and theologian whose careful scholarship and apologetic abilities establish him as one of Christianity’s top defenders. He is also adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Evangelical Theological Seminary and President of California Biblical University and Seminary.

Dr. Morey has studied alongside some great Christian theologians and apologists.
They include:

  • Walter Martin (NYC, NJ CRI)
  • Francis Schaeffer (Covenant College, L’Abri in Switzerland)
  • Gordon Clark (Covenant College)
  • Cornilius Van Til (WTS)
  • Hans Rookmaaker (NYC, Holland L’Abri)

Ministry Involvement

(Past and Present)

  • Adjunct professor of apologetics (Evangelical Theological Seminary)
  • Lectured at seminaries, universities, colleges, and churches in 27 countries.
  • Chairman of the membership committee of the Evangelical Theological Society
  • Appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs such as 700 Club, Coral Ridge Ministry,
  • BN, John Ankerberg Show, Moody Network, etc.
  • Host of his own national talk show: Bob Morey Live!
  • Executive Director of Faith Defenders
  • President of California Biblical University and Seminary
  • Pastor of New Life Bible Church from to 1977 to 1998
  • Pastor of Faith Community Church 2005-2009



Dr. Morey’s speaking and writing ministry is recommended by some of the best-known Christian leaders in this generation.

Dr. D. James Kennedy (Coral Ridge Ministries)
“Dr. Robert A. Morey is an excellent speaker and writer on the subject of cults and the occult, His books are excellent resource tools on these -subjects. It is my pleasure to recommend him to churches everywhere throughout our land.”

Dr. John Ankerberg (The Ankerberg TV Show)
“I have known Dr. Robert Morey for a number of years and welcome this opportunity to recommend him to you. Dr. Morey is a man with an excellent understanding of the historic Christian faith and a particular skill as a defender of the Faith. I heartily recommend him to you.”

Dr. Herbert Ehrenstein (Editor of Eternity Magazine)
“It is a genuine privilege for me to recommend Dr. Robert A. Morey as a competent Biblical scholar in the field of apologetics, Bible teaching and evangelism. I have known Dr. Morey for over 30 years and it has been a delight to me to see his developing a fantastic grasp of Biblical truth, and his unique ability to translate that exalted truth of God’s Word into down-to-earth, meaningful and methodical ways his audiences can make use of it.”

Dr. Stephen Olford (Dr. Morey’s pastor for eight years)
“I praise the Lord that He has given you such a strategic ministry in the field of apologetics and theology. The Lord bless you richly.”

Kevin Johnson (Mount Carmel Outreach)
“Dr. Robert Morey is one of the finest Biblical scholars in the field of comparative religious studies (apologetics) in North America. His books and presentations have been tremendously useful. I highly recommend him to you.”

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