Reformation History
Reformation History. The Reformation is one of the greatest periods in church history, and is the root of Protestantism. Modern Christians should know their reformed heritage. Dr. Morey begins with the story when Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral. If you wished to discuss or debate a subject you nailed a list to the cathedral door. To all this behavior was normal especially in a university city. Luther issued a challenge to professors et all concerning the list he put on the door. Two items on his list really concerned Luther, #1 the selling of Papal Indulgences. Dr. Morey explains about indulgences and how they work.
A woman saw the paper which Luther nailed to the door. After she received a translation she let other people know and the word spread throughout Europe. Then the people became incensed about the churches skullduggery. If the printing press had not been invented the reformation might not occurred. Luther put the Bible into the language of the people, then people found out how the church conned them. They read the Bible themselves. They figured out what the words said. The reformation began. The reformation severed the hold of the Roman Catholic church over people. The fundamental reason for the reformation turned out to be, in Dr. Morey’s opinion, humanism vs theism.
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